电子邮件: hejinsong@sicau.edu.cn
学术兼职:担任Journal of Hazardous Materials; Environmental Science and Pollution Research; Biochemical
Engineering Journal等期刊审稿人。
2019.01-至今,四川农业大学,스포츠토토 공식 사이트,副教授
1. 科研:
(1) J. He, D. Xiong, P. Zhou, X. Xiao, F. Ni, S. Deng, F. Shen, D. Tian, L. Long, L. Luo, A novel homogenous in-situ generated ferrihydrite nanoparticles/polyethersulfone composite membrane for removal of lead from water: Development, characterization, performance and mechanism, Chemical Engineering Journal 393 (2020) 124696. (SCI, TOP, IF = 8.355 ),(第一作者)
(2) J. He, F. Ni, A. Cui, X. Chen, S. Deng, F. Shen, C. Huang, G. Yang, C. Song, J. Zhang, D. Tian, L. Long, Y. Zhu, L. Luo, New insight into adsorption and co-adsorption of arsenic and tetracycline using a Y-immobilized graphene oxide-alginate hydrogel: Adsorption behaviours and mechanisms, Science of The Total Environment 701 (2020) 134363. (SCI, TOP, IF = 5.589 ),(第一作者)
(3) J. He, A. Cui, F. Ni, S. Deng, F. Shen, G. Yang, A novel 3D yttrium based-graphene oxide-sodium alginate hydrogel for remarkable adsorption of fluoride from water, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 531 (2018) 37-46. (SCI, IF = 5.091 ),(第一作者)
(4) J. He, A. Cui, J.P. Chen, Treatment of methylene blue containing wastewater by a cost-effective micro-scale biochar/polysulfone mixed matrix hollow fiber membrane: Performance and mechanism studies, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 512(2017),190-197.(SCI, IF = 4.233 ),(第一作者)
(5) J. He, Y. Song, J.P. Chen, Development of a novel biochar/PSF mixed matrix membrane and study of key parameters in treatment of copper and lead contaminated water, Chemosphere, 186(2017),1033-1045. (SCI, IF = 4.208 ),(第一作者)
(6) J. He, A. Liu, J. Paul Chen, Introduction and demonstration of a novel Pb(II)-imprinted polymeric membrane with high selectivity and reusability for treatment of lead contaminated water, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 439 (2015) 162-169.(SCI, IF =3.368),(第一作者)
(7) J. He, T.-S. Siah, J. Paul Chen, Performance of an optimized Zr-based nanoparticle-embedded PSF blend hollow fiber membrane in treatment of fluoride contaminated water, Water Research, 56 (2014) 88-97.(SCI, IF = 5.528),(第一作者)
(8) J. He, T. Matsuura, J.P. Chen, A novel Zr-based nanoparticle-embedded PSF blend hollow fiber membrane for treatment of arsenate contaminated water: Material development, adsorption and filtration studies, and characterization, Journal of Membrane Science, 452 (2014) 433-445.(SCI, IF = 5.056 ),(第一作者)
(9) J. He, J.P. Chen, A zirconium-based nanoparticle: Essential factors for sustainable application in treatment of fluoride containing water, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 416 (2014) 227-234.(SCI, IF = 3.368 ),(第一作者)
(10) J. He, J.P. Chen, Cu(II)-Imprinted Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Poly(acrylic acid) Membrane for Greater Enhancement in Sequestration of Copper Ion in the Presence of Competitive Heavy Metal Ions: Material Development, Process Demonstration, and Study of Mechanisms, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (2014) 20223-20233.(SCI, IF = 2.587 ),(第一作者)
(11) J. He, J.P. Chen, A comprehensive review on biosorption of heavy metals by algal biomass: Materials, performances, chemistry, and modeling simulation tools, Bioresource Technology, 160 (2014) 67-78.(SCI, IF = 4.494 ),(第一作者)
2. 教学:
(2)2016,IChemE Young Chemical Engineer in Research Award,Singapore
(3)2016,AICHE Separations Division Graduate Student Research Award,US
(4)2014,IChemE The Sustainable Technology Award,Singapore,(排名第二)